Precise Stalls

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A Guide to Finding the Right Dimensions for Stall Space 

Right Dimensions for Stall Space

Delving into the dynamics of exhibition spaces and observing how a more undersized stand can often exude more vibrancy than its larger counterparts is fascinating. The prevailing misconception that success is directly proportional to the Stall Space begs the question: is this phenomenon mere happenstance, or does it hinge on more nuanced factors?

Exploring this intriguing facet of event management transcends mere chance. Instead, it underscores the importance of having a clear vision and well-defined goals. The notion that a company’s success isn’t solely determined by the sheer expanse of its exhibition space but by a meticulous understanding of its purpose at the event and a focused approach to the specifics, particularly the size of the booth, is pivotal.

Join me on this journey as we unravel the intricacies behind the impact of stand size on the perceived success of an exhibition presence. Let’s challenge preconceived notions and delve into the realm of strategic vision and purposeful planning that can transform a seemingly modest stand into a bustling hub of activity and engagement.

Deciphering Your Objectives for Stall Space 

Every brand steps into an exhibition arena with a distinct purpose in mind. Before selecting your Stall Space, it’s imperative to grasp that purpose and outline your goals, which will serve as a compass in determining the ideal size for your exhibit.

Decoding what you envision happening within your display space is a pivotal step in size selection. Setting these goals involves thoughtful consideration of various factors, including:

  • Launching a New Product
  • Introducing a New Brand
  • Undertaking a Company Rebrand
  • Generating Leads and Engaging with Potential Clients
  • Hosting Private Client Meetings
  • Conducting Live Product Demonstrations and more

Once these goals are clearly articulated, delve into the specifics. What products do you plan to showcase, and in what quantities? Are you unveiling a new product that deserves the spotlight as the centerpiece of your stand? Consider additional elements such as tables, chairs, display kiosks, storage rooms, AV displays, or other components that may occupy valuable floor space. As a general rule of thumb, anticipate that these elements will consume approximately 50% of your available floor space.

Determining Your Stall Space Requirements

Visualize the floor space of your stand with clarity by creating a distinct mental image. Suppose you’re considering a stand size of 6m x 6m; multiply these dimensions to get 36sqm. Now, armed with 36 square meters of Stall Space, you can effectively plan your exhibit.

Tip: sketch a grid representing your stand size on a blank paper. Utilize a square to denote 1m x 1m of space, allowing you to accurately map out items on the floor and gauge the available space for visitor engagement and foot traffic. Strive for an inviting ambience that encourages attendees to enter your space. Avoid cramped areas and excessive crowd volume, as these can deter visitors and disrupt the natural flow of foot traffic within your stand.

When strategizing your stand size, put yourself in your visitor’s shoes. This perspective lets you visualize the practical space needed and discover the ideal display size – that perfect “sweet spot” tailored to your requirements.

Identifying Your Booth Style

When it comes to trade show booths, there are essentially four distinct types to consider, each offering its unique set of characteristics:

  • Linear Inline Booth: These booths feature only one open side to the front and are sandwiched between other stands. Typically restricted to a 2.4m height, they come in sizes like 3m x 3m, 6m x 3m, and potentially 9m x 3m. While offering limited space, they present a sleek, streamlined appearance.
  • Corner Booth: Following guidelines similar to those of linear inline booths, corner booths distinguish themselves by having two open sides – one to the front and one to the side. This design creates an illusion of greater size and openness, making them highly sought after due to enhanced visibility.
  • Peninsula Display: Boasting openness on three sides, Peninsula Displays can either abut a wall or connect with another stand. Typically sized at 6m x 6m or more extensive, these booths enjoy more flexibility regarding height restrictions and rigging, allowing for a dynamic and engaging presentation.
  • Island Display: True to their name, Island Displays stand-alone, accessible from all four sides. Starting at 6m x 6m or more extensive, these booths provide the freedom to go vertical (usually up to 4m) and utilize the entire cubic meter of purchased space. Island Displays offer unparalleled visibility and the opportunity to creatively use height and rigging from the ceilings.

Understanding Your Financial Parameters

It’s essential to be cognizant of your budget, recognizing that exhibition costs can vary significantly from one event to another. The price of a 6m x 3m space at one show may differ  substantially from the next. Selecting the appropriate booth space and size is a decision that can significantly influence your budget, impacting the overall success and return on investment from the show. Keeping a keen eye on your budget becomes particularly crucial if you have an existing custom stand that requires a specific size and configuration, ensuring that your financial considerations align seamlessly with your exhibition goals.

Recognizing the Nuances of Stand Space 

The notion that Stall Space is a one-size-fits-all solution is a misconception that needs debunking. It does not fit into a predetermined mould based on your company’s size; it’s about tailoring the space to align with your specific goals and objectives.

Smaller companies might aim to enhance brand awareness or make a bold impact with a substantial presentation, especially in the second year of attendance. Conversely, larger companies might be planning significant demonstrations or product reveals or experimenting with a scaled-down version based on past experiences. Regardless of company size, the key is to secure an appropriate space that accommodates your intended activities without overshadowing your staff or presentations, as an impractically large booth can prove cost-ineffective and adversely affect your expo return.

Final Thoughts

Balancing your Stall Space is crucial – avoiding a small, cramped setup that hinders visitor entry or an ample, empty space that lacks substance. Since floor space constitutes a significant portion of your budget, optimizing every cubic meter is imperative.
If you require guidance in initiating your project or wish to discuss your design ideas further, feel free to reach out to us today at or simply click the button below
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